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Re: Any Implementation of S-HTTP available

I'm not sure if the original question was intentionally left unaddressed or not,
but in any case.....

I too would like to know of anyone working on S-HTTP implementations for
httpd.  We're working on that now, though I can't give any estimated 
completion dates.  I know there was at least one individual working on 
S-HTTP support for the CERN server, but I got the impression that this
work got hung up with lawyers during the CERN -> W3C migration 
(clarification, anyone?).  


>From: "\\Steven C. Dabbs" <sdabbs@netcom.com>
>Subject: Re: Any Implementation of S-HTTP available
>I've got a copy of httpd modified for SSL running here, was from
>like ftp.psy.uq.au , can't offer it to you, because i'm in the u.s and 
>that would be a no-no. It appears, without a certificate from RSA, it 
>wont work with netscape, but that can be gotten easily enough, i hear.
>On Mon, 5 Jun 1995, Wang Wei Jun wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to this list. So pardon me if I ask the wrong question.
>> Is there any public availabe (outside USA) implementation of S-HTTP?
>> NCSA's s-http and secure mosaic is only open to commerce net members.
>> Is there any strip-down version of s-http so that I can put in encryption
>> routines myself?
>> If I want to implement s-http, which one do you recommend: use cern or
>> ncsa's http?
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Regards,
>> Weijun